Friday, August 10, 2012

Tool #9

  1. Why do you think it is important to tie the technology to the objective? Kids are growing up with technology more than ever. You have babies playing with ipads or their parents iphone. Technology is part of their world and they don;t know how to live without it.
  2. Why should we hold students accountable for the stations/centers? Holding students accountable makes ensuring they are learning the content and the objective.
  3. Visit 2 of the applicable links to interactive websites for your content/grade level. Which sites did you like. How could you use them as stations? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations? Learning Games for kids (Science-space) and PhET (Balancing Act). Use the station to take notes on some vocabulary words, what they learn from the game, their outcome, questions to go along with the game, and comments (if they liked the game or not). Each station is under a time restraint to help students move along each station.
  4. List two to three apps you found for the iPod Touch/iPad that you can use in your classroom. What do you see that station looking like? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations? BrainPOP featured Movie,, and Ecosystems. Use the station to take notes from the App and Look up words that they do not understand. Each station is under a time restraint to help students move along each station.
  5. What about other ways to use the iPod Touch/iPad? Share another way you can see your students using the device as a station. Using it for project and saving whatever they are working on to their file to a dropbox so they can access it at home.

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